Words from the Lord: September 5, 2022 – Ketchikan, AK

Words from the Lord: September 5, 2022 – Ketchikan, AK
September 8, 2022 Pastor Leslie
In Words from the Lord

Words from the Lord

Ketchikan, AK
September 5, 2022

4:30 AM


“Sound the Shofar for the Lord is coming!   Lift up your voices in praise!  Stand for righteousness, do not bow down, hold the line, protect the children, protect the children, protect the children!

Open your eyes to the truth, and the truth of this great evil will set you free to fully stand for Me.

It is he, the thief, who is here stealing your freedoms and your children, killing them through sex trafficking, and drugs and destroying their minds through “woke” media influences.

Separate yourself, sanctify yourself, and set yourselves apart from the wicked, evil of this world.

Get up under my wings, come dwell in the secret place of the Most High God.  Learn how to be stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty.

Embrace Psalm 91.  Memorize it, speak it out over your household, and teach it to your children.

Military battalions embraced these words and were required to recite any verse at any time.  They knew it, spoke it, and returned home without casualty!

If you do not or will not recognize the power of My Word, you will not recognize My goodness, power, and might.

The fight is on.  You are enlisted in My army.  Victory belongs to the Lord.

I will fight the battles in the heavens against the powers of darkness.  But you must fight the battle spiritually in the world with My Word!

I gave man authority over the earth and every living thing in Genesis 1.  Man gave that up, but through My Son Jesus, your authority has been fully restored.

Embrace and walk in your authority.  Quit bowing down to the twisted words and influences of media, all controlled by wicked men.  Their plan for my humanity is distorted, corrupt, and destructive.

Go back to the basics, the 10 Commandments, and line up the direction of your government and your nation’s morality against them.

Exodus 20: 3-17

  1. Thou shall have no other gods before me.


  1. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images (false idols)


  1. Do not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain. Use my name in ways that honor me.


  1. Remember the Sabbath, 6 days you shall work and rest on the seventh day and be thankful for the blessings of life.


  1. Honor your father and mother that your days will be long upon the earth.


  1. Do not murder. Protect and respect life


  1. Do not commit adultery, be true to your husband or wife. Do not commit sexual debauchery.


  1. Do not steal or take what belongs to others


  1. Do not bear false witness or lie about another


  1. Do not covet or be jealous of others


As you can see these are 10 simple commandments, and if they are honored will protect all mankind.

My yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Walk it out my way and you will have victory in this fight!”

Here ends the words from the Lord.

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